Enhancer Soap Bar
for your health & wellness
Check Out The Benefits Of Use
✓ Mineralize the body
✓ Oxygenate the blood
✓ Chelate toxic or inorganic metals and chemicals, as well as essential major and trace elements
✓ Repair, regenerate, and restore cells (including skin and nails)
✓ Acquire electrolytes and other vital elements
✓ Regulate and supercharge the immune system
✓ Improve brain function (including memory)
✓ Catalyze enzymes
✓ Improve circulation
✓ Increase endurance
✓ Produce energy (ATP)
✓ Balance cell life
✓ Structure hormones
✓ Control inflammation
✓ Stimulate metabolism
✓ Revitalize libido (desire and function)
✓ Cleanse, neutralize, and remove toxins
✓ Regulate the thyroid and thymus glands
✓ Assimilate macro- and micro-elements
✓ Protect against unnatural oxidation
✓ Maintain optimum alkalinity (pH) levels
✓ Break down complex nutrients, elements, and other substances for easier absorption or elimination